Providing the right coverage for a public entity can be complex. Our program provides more than property coverage – we take into consideration other areas of protection like your public officials, data systems, special events, and surety needs with executed contracts.

Check out what our clients say is key to being insured with Keystone.

Keystone has been helping municipalities achieve improved results through risk management services and exclusive insurance programs for over 20 years!

This program is offered through our independent insurance agents. To request more information or a quote, fill out the form below.

Property Insurance
Risk Factor

Your township building is susceptible to many perils throughout the year such as wind, rain, collapse, fire, and smoke. When significant damages to the building occur, how will you replace the building and its contents to continue servicing the township?


Property insurance can help protect the property your township owns or leases, including things like equipment, supplies, furniture, and fixtures. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.

Abuse and Molestation
Risk Factor

There are hundreds of reports each year of children being sexually abused by adults. This exposure is excluded from the standard general liability policy form.


Obtain the proper abuse and molestation coverage to protect the municipality from the possibility of significant financial loss in the event of an allegation. In addition, have written documentation within the municipality to address how to prevent sexual abuse from happening, how to report it to authorities, and what to do in an event of an allegation.

Sewer Authority
Risk Factor

If a municipality runs the community sewer and wastewater plant, it can be exposed to many risks such as failure to supply, water contamination, notification expenses, and others.


A sewer authority coverage liability form can cover the professional activities that go along with managing a wastewater treatment facility. Some forms include errors and omissions, failure to supply utilities, and other necessary coverages such as equipment breakdown for the facility.

Public Officials Liability
Risk Factor

Any municipality that has elected public officials or governing boards (park boards, historic boards, etc.) has exposure for the financial and other decisions the boards make, which affect the entire population of that municipality.


A municipality can be held liable for wrongful acts and decisions made by elected public officials and governing boards and will need to defend against such allegations. Having a liability policy that can protect against these risks is essential. This can also include employment practices liability as well.

Law Enforcement Liability
Risk Factor

Having a municipal police force has many areas of liability, especially in today’s legal environment. Police can be held liable or sued for wrongful detention, police brutality, and other accusations. Unfortunately, these claims normally carry a high dollar value.


Law enforcement liability provides coverage for the municipality and its police officers for allegations that may arise from an officer’s actions. This coverage can also include a line of duty accidental death coverage and a moonlighting endorsement.

Flood and Earthquake Coverage
Risk Factor

Depending on your location and surroundings, your borough could be in an earthquake and flood-prone area. The common property policy excludes coverage for these types of claims, leaving a municipality with significant structural or water damage and no coverage.


Adding earthquake and/or flood policies can cover property claims when those disasters occur. Depending on the zone you occupy, limits can go up to $10M and will include a deductible per occurrence.

Workers’ Compensation
Risk Factor

If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.


Workers' compensation and employers liability insurance protect your employees should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. Since benefits vary by state law, make sure your insurance agent is aware of all physical locations your business operates in, as well as all physical locations where you hire your employees.

General Liability Insurance
Risk Factor

Water on the floor, slippery entry in the winter, broken glass/hazardous debris, etc. These can all be accidents waiting to happen on municipal property. Claims may arise due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and more.


General liability insurance is an absolute necessity. It provides broad coverage when the municipality is deemed responsible and liable, and will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit.

Keystone has several associations relationships including:

Since 2003, our Keystone insurance community has paid back hundreds of thousands in dividends to association members insured in our programs.

Our public entities program offers unique broad coverages, including:

  • Public officials & law enforcement coverage
  • Crime and wrongful acts
  • Excess liability
  • Accident insurance program for volunteer workers
  • Commercial personal property
  • Inland marine
  • Directors & officers

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